Personal Information Protection Policy

Torque Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") recognizes the importance of personal information and strives to manage and protect it appropriately in accordance with the following standards.

1 .

Collection and Use of Personal Information

The Company legally collects personal information for transactions and services with customers and uses it within the scope of the purposes for which it was collected.

2 .

Disclosure and Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Collected personal information of customers will not be provided or disclosed to third parties without the customer's consent unless required by law. If personal information is provided to subcontractors for business reasons, the Company will require the subcontractors to protect personal information through confidentiality agreements and will manage the subcontractors to ensure that they handle personal information appropriately.

3 .

Protection of Personal Information

The Company takes appropriate measures to prevent the loss, destruction, alteration, unauthorized access, and leakage of personal information.

4 .

Compliance with Laws and Related Norms

The Company complies with laws and related norms regarding the handling of personal information, including the Personal Information Protection Law.

5 .

Disclosure, Correction, and Deletion of Personal Information

The Company promptly responds to requests for disclosure, correction, and deletion of personal information after confirming that the requester is the information provider.

6 .

Use of Third-Party Measurement Servers

For the purpose of measuring the access status of this website, we use measurement servers of the third-party companies listed below. These third-party companies also use cookies and web beacons for efficient advertising delivery and access status measurement. The information from these cookies and web beacons is stored on the servers of these third-party companies and managed according to their privacy policies. The relevant third-party companies and their privacy policies are as follows.

The privacy policy may be revised without notice in accordance with laws and Company policies.


Contact Information

For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, please contact us at the following.
Torque Inc.